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Article 1 – Contest Organizer

The present contest « UNDOXXED Book Cover Design » is organized by [GOUVERNANCE], with its registered office located at [Paris, France 75001], registered under the number [918 746 785 R.C.S. Paris], hereinafter referred to as the « Organizer. » 

Article 2 – Contest Duration

The contest runs from [September 11, 2023], to [November 1, 2023], hereinafter referred to as the « Contest Period. »

Article 3 – Eligibility

The contest is open to individuals residing worldwide, aged [18 years] or older at the time of participation. Employees of the Organizer and their close relatives are not allowed to participate.

Article 4 – Contest Procedure

Participants must design and submit a book cover proposal related to the theme « UNDOXXED » and the specifications provided by the Organizer. Submissions must be sent electronically to [contest@undoxxedbook.com] during the Contest Period, before the participation deadline set on [October 20, 2023, at 12:00 AM].

Article 5 – Intellectual Property

Participants retain full intellectual property rights to their submissions. By submitting their work, participants grant the Organizer a non-exclusive license, including the rights to reproduce, publish, translate, adapt, modify, distribute, communicate to the public, perform, and display their submissions in all forms and on all media, currently known or to be discovered in the future, worldwide. Participants grant this license to the Organizer free of charge. The Organizer may use the submissions for promotional and/or commercial purposes at its sole discretion, without requiring express permission from the participants. Unless otherwise specified, the duration of the license is the duration of the legal copyright protection of the submitted works.

Participants warrant that they are the sole and exclusive owners of the rights to their submission, that they have not granted these rights exclusively to any other party, that each submission is original, does not infringe on any third party’s rights, and is not subject to dispute or claim.

In addition, the artist must not use any brand logos or trademarks in the creation of his/her work and the artist must propose an original work design that cannot be copied or plagiarized.

Article 5.1 – Gallery of Non-Winning Proposals

All book cover proposals submitted by participants that have not been selected as contest winners will be featured in a special gallery inside the « UNDOXXED » book and also on the site undoxxedbook.com.

This gallery aims to showcase the talent, creativity, and effort of all participants. Each proposal will be credited to the artist who created it.

The Organizer reserves the right to select and present a certain number of proposals in this gallery, based on available space and relevance to the contest theme and book. Participants whose proposals are featured in this gallery will not receive additional prizes or rewards, but their work will be recognized and appreciated within the creative community.

By agreeing to participate in the contest, participants acknowledge and accept that their non-winning proposals may be featured in the special gallery inside the « UNDOXXED » book and on the site undoxxedbook.com, in accordance with the terms outlined in this article. This article aims to celebrate the contribution of all participants and create a dedicated space for the appreciation of their creativity, even if they are not selected as contest winners.

Article 6 – Judgment and Selection

Submissions will be evaluated by a jury composed of representatives from the Organizer [Viny, Karim and Julien]. The jury will assess the submitted cover designs based on their originality, creativity, and alignment with the book’s theme. The winner’s name will be publicly announced on the Twitter account https://twitter.com/undoxxedbook on [October 20, 2023, at 6:00 PM]. The winner will also be personally contacted via email. The jury’s decisions are final and not subject to appeal.

Article 7 – Prizes and Awards

Prizes will be awarded in the form of [Rewards].

Article 7.1 – Rewards for the Winner

The winning artist of the « UNDOXXED Book Cover Design » contest will receive the following rewards:

Article 7.2 – Communications

By accepting the prize, the winner consents to the use of their name, portfolio, and relevant information for promotional purposes by the Organizer. This may include, but is not limited to, postings on social media, on the Organizer’s website, in press releases, and in other communication materials.

Article 7.3 – No Substitution

The awarded prizes are personal and cannot be transferred, exchanged, or replaced with their monetary equivalent or otherwise. 

Article 8 – Limitation of Liability

The Organizer disclaims any liability for lost, delayed, incomplete, unreadable, unintelligible, or late submissions. The Organizer cannot be held responsible for any damage or harm suffered by participants in connection with their participation in the contest.

Article 9 – Acceptance of Rules

Participation in the contest implies full and complete acceptance of these regulations. Any violation of the rules may result in the disqualification of the participant.

Article 10 – Amendments and Cancellation

The Organizer reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest in the event of unforeseen circumstances, without prior notice or obligation to provide justification.

Article 11 – Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These regulations are subject to the laws of [Applicable Law]. Any disputes arising from the contest will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Paris – France].

Done in [Paris, France], on [September 1, 2023], by Donato Nicolas [Founder Gouvernance – Author and Editor of UNDOXXED Book].
